EU behaves like a herd of sheep

The European Union behaves like a flock of sheep. Copyright Antti Roine / DALL-E3.

EU behaves like a herd of sheep

One wolf controls and terrorizes a flock of sheep at will. Sheep only think of their own interests; and they don’t understand that with cooperation, 27 sheep can keep the wolf in check. Just as a hundred-person mafia controls a city of a hundred thousand people – if the townspeople do not understand that together they are strong.

The European Union is 8 times and NATO is 24 times the economic power of Russia, but despite that, Russia controls and terrorizes democratic states as it pleases. EU has resources and technology, but not the wisdom to protect the interests of citizens.

Russia is waging war against democracies using all means of electronic warfare and troll factories. Russia ruthlessly exploits freedom of speech and openness by stirring up chaos and strikes with false online news and debates. Despite this, the EU does not prepare for the worst, but behaves like a flock of sheep.

The development of the Russian dictatorship has been visible since Putin came to power. Putin has been acting according to the dictator’s manual for 24 years already; but even after the conquest of Crimea in 2014, EU decision-makers did not understand the spirit of the game.

Another shocking mistake has been the transfer of valuable technological know-how to China within the last 40 years. In business and war, the best technology usually wins.

Now, these top politicians and parties have finally admitted their mistakes, but despite this, they are allowed to continue the series of these massive mistakes, even though the mistakes should be learned from and wised up.

After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has practically switched to a military economy, but the EU countries are still only making cosmetic investments in the development of their own defense forces. This is absolutely incomprehensible stupidity.

Historical facts show that in this situation the EU countries should at least double their investment in the development of the armed forces, because dictators only believe in force. Dictators don’t attack if they are sure they will lose.

In practice, the development and manufacture of our own weapon technology also improves employment and accelerates the wheels of business life, if the work is done in EU and NATO countries.

In the EU countries, concern is given to important issues and values such as the environment, equality, eradication of racism, healthcare, and the economy. Unfortunately, it is not understood that these lofty goals have hardly any significance in Ukraine, where Russian soldiers brutally murder, rape and destroy Ukrainian society.

National debt, climate change or equality are also irrelevant topics when Putin has demonstratively destroyed some large EU cities with a tactical nuclear missile or destroyed our vital power and water plants.

We must gradually realize that World War III is a much bigger and more likely threat than the climate change. War means much greater and faster catastrophe than slow-moving and never ending climate change. Human influence on the war is 100%, but much less on the climate change.

The EU created a 700 billion recovery package during the corona time, and now a 1500 billion annual budget is being planned to combat climate change.

On the other hand, significant investments in combating Russia are very difficult to find. Even in supporting Ukraine, the EU’s flock of sheep relies on US aid.

In the EU countries, childlike faith has been refined to the extreme. Traditionally, it has been thought that if we do not have a credible nuclear deterrent, we do not threaten dictators and we are safe. Instead, every dictator has realized a long time ago that with their own nuclear weapons they can stay in power forever.

EU states have believed that the US nuclear deterrent also protects European democratic states, although history books contain countless examples where dictators have agreed on their spheres of influence with secret agreements.

The EU is a much smaller actor in international politics than its real size, because here we still believe in the power of small independent and sovereign states. We need a united and strong EU to survive.

In practice, the most important condition for the survival of European democratic states is the creation of their own credible nuclear deterrent with NATO as soon as possible. In addition, the second goal should be to abandon the naive unanimity requirement in EU and NATO decision-making.

Antti Roine, DSc, Ulvila, Finland, 17 July 2024

This text is translation and update from:

EU käyttäytyy kuin lammaslauma | Uusi Suomi Puheenvuoro

Kokoomus Ulvila

Antti Roine työskentelee teknologia johtajana monikansallisessa tiimissä, joka kehittää HSC Chemistry mallinnus- ja simulointiohjelmistoa, jonka avulla suunnitellaan tehokkaita ja ympäristöystävällisiä metallien ja kemikaalien valmistusprosesseja. Samoja malleja käytetään myös prosessien digitaalisten kaksosten aivoina ja laskentamoottoreina. Hän on koulutukseltaan diplomi-insinööri ja tekniikan tohtori.

Toimiva yhteiskunta on hyvinvointimme perusta. Yhteiskuntaa voidaan kehittää esimerkiksi työn, harrastusten ja kirjoittamisen kautta. Viime kädessä kuitenkin poliittinen päätöksenteko määrää kehityksen suunnan, siksi haluan osallistua myös tämän keinon avulla yhteiskunnan rakentamiseen.

Kestävä hyvinvointi perustuu menestyviin yksityisiin yrityksiin, jotka tuovat yhteiskuntaan työtä ja rahaa. Kestävä tulevaisuus perustuu lapsiin, onnellisiin perheisiin, laadukkaaseen päivähoitoon ja koulutukseen. Haluan olla mukana rakentamassa kestävää yhteiskuntaa tukemalla positiivista yritysmyönteistä ilmapiiriä, laadukkaiden peruspalvelujen kehitystä, kulttuuria ja ympäristön suojelua.

Tulevaisuus rakennetaan tänään. Menneitä ei kannata liikaa murehtia, mutta kokemuksista kannattaa oppia. Tulevaisuutta kannattaa suunnitella, mutta vain tänään voimme muuttaa maailmaa.

Antti Roine on valittu 2021 Ulvilan kaupunginvaltuustoon ja tarkastuslautakuntaan, sekä Satakunnan maakuntavaltuustoon. Lisäksi hän on Satakuntaliiton ja Satakunnan hyvinvointialueen tarkastuslautakuntien varajäsen.

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