Höpö, höpö ulkoministeri Valtonen: ” EU pystyy vaikuttamaan Lähi-itään Yhdysvaltoja paremmin”
Yle Uutisten verkkosivulla tänään oli juttu Ulkoministeri Valtonen: ” EU pystyy vaikuttamaan Lähi-Itään Yhdysvaltoja paremmin”.
Höpö höpö, Elina Valtonen. Ulkoministerimme puhuu ihan löysiä! Yhdysvalloilla on pajon EU-maita enemmän painoarvoa Lähi-Idässä. Siksi Yhdysvallat, Qatar ja Egypti välittävät tulitauko-/ panttivankineuvotteluissa. Kenellekään ei tulisi mieleenkään kutsua mukaan lausuntoautomaatti Borrelia. Muuten mielenkiintoista että neuvotteluissa sekä USA:ta, Egyptiä että Israelia edustavat tiedustelupalveluiden johtajat eivätkä diplomaatit. Yhdysvaltojen ulkoministeri Anthony Blinken lähtee tosin jo kuudetta kertaa Lähi-Itään Israelin ja Hamasin sodan alkamisen jälkeen. Hän tapaa ensi saudijohtoa ja lentää sitten Egyptiin.
” – Eri maat pystyvät keskustelemaan eri tavalla eri osapuolten kanssa. Ja myös niiden lähialueiden maiden kanssa, joilla on esimerkiksi vaikutusvaltaa Hamasiin. Tämä on EU:n ehdoton vahvuus esimerkiksi verrattuna Yhdysvaltoihin, joilla ei välttämättä ihan samanlaista kanavaa kaikissa oloissa ole, Valtonen sanoi.”
Tyhjä omakehu tosiasioiden kustannuksella on typerää. Tulee ikävä ulkoministeri Pekka Haavistoa.
P.S. Vain kannanottoihin on Euroopan ulkoasianedustaja Joseph Borrelista. USA:n ulkoministeri A. Blinken sukkuloi Lähi-Itää kuudennen kerran Israelin ja Hamasin sodan alettua edistääkseen tulitauko-/panttivankineuvotteluja Qatarissa. https://www.timesofisrael.com/jordan-eu-foreign-policy-chief-accuse-israel-of-deliberately-starving-gazans/
Israelin joukkojen vastikään tekemä ratsia Shiwan sairaalaan Gazassa sai mediahuomiota, kun Yle Uutisten sivutkin kertoivat Hamasin alaisen terveysministeriön version asiasta. Tässä Israelin eilinen informaatio tapauksesta. Jutun lopussa viitaatataan lähteenä seuraavaan organisaatioon: European Council on Foreign Relations.
”The IDF says troops killed a senior Hamas operative during this morning’s raid on Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital.
Faiq Mabhouh, who served as the head of operations in Hamas’s internal security force, was armed and hiding inside the Shifa complex, “from which he was working to advance terror activity,” the IDF says.
Mabhouh was killed amid an exchange of fire during an attempt to arrest him, the IDF says.
In a nearby room, the IDF says troops recovered a cache of weapons.
Mabhouh, according to the IDF and Shin Bet, was responsible for the “synchronization” of various Hamas units in the Gaza Strip, including during the war.
As head of operations for internal security, he played a key role in a secret police force largely engaged in quashing political dissent within the Strip, according to the European Council on Foreign Relations.” (The Times of Israel)
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No miksi ei hyödyntää valmiita tiloja?
Al-Shifa’s tunnels were built by Israel in the early 1980s. According to Israeli media reports, the underground facilities were designed by Tel Aviv architects Gershon Zippor and Benjamin Idelson.
Israel renovated and expanded the hospital complex with American assistance, in a project that also included the excavation of an underground concrete floor,” according to Zvi Elhyani, founder of the Israel Architecture Archive, noted in Israel’s Ynetnews.
The underground infrastructure was part of a modernization and expansion effort at Al-Shifa commissioned by Israel’s Public Works Department. “The Israeli civil administration in the territories constructed the hospital complex’s Building Number 2, which has a large cement basement that housed the hospital’s laundry and various administrative services,” according to a report in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The room and tunnels under Al-Shifa were reportedly completed in 1983. Tablet magazine described the space as “a secure underground operating room and tunnel network.” Zippor’s son Barak, who began working at his father’s architecture firm in the 1990s, said that during the construction at Al-Shifa in the 1980s, the Israeli construction contractors hired Hamas to provide security guards to prevent attacks on the building site.
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On törkeä sotarikos, että Hamas käyttää sairaaloita sotilaalliseen toimintaan, koska henkilökunta ja potilaat vaarantuvat kun Israelin joukot tekevät niihin ratsioita.
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Zionistien Haganah teki saman homman punaisen ristin sairaalalle Jerusalemissa vuonna 1948, pisti kranaatinheittimet sairaalan terassille ja antoi palaa 😵💫
Homma jatkuu…
This reliable and impartial body, representing all Christian churches and denominations in Palestine, complained that the Jewish forces had used ten Christian religious and humanitarian institutions in Jerusalem as military bases and that fourteen institutions in the Holy City were destroyed or damaged by the shell-fire. Three priests were killed, two waded and more than 100 women and children and other non-combatants have become casualties inside Jerusalem since the Zionists began the attack. The manifesto states:
”We can state that the largest part of the shells falling on the Holy Sepulchre and on churches, convents and Christian institutions (as listed by the committee) are of Jewish origin…
The manifesto continued:”
We declare it the truth, and an objective fact, when we add: The Arabs have stated they respected the holy places, the churches, the convents and the Red Cross institutions. In fact they have respected them up to the present time.”
The statement, addressed to religious and political authorities throughout the world, added: ”From what has taken place it appears:
I. That it was the Zionists who began on the morning of Saturday, May 15, to occupy by armed force the Convent of Notre Dame de France, the Redemptionist Sisters and the French Hospital, which they fortified and from which they began to fire on the Holy City.
II. That they occupied likewise, on Mount Zion, the Monastery of the German Benedictine Fathers and two convents of the Holy Trinity and Saint George, belonging to the Greek Orthodox Church, which served for military operations and from which they fired on the City of Jerusalem.”
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