Does your company rely too much on polls and sleeve constants? The fifth, and final part of the blog series examines the risks related to the information on which decision-making is based…
Risk management is a good incentive, but a bad motivator. The blog series, the fourth part of the series discusses how it is possible to turn a risk into an opportunity.…
What worries Finnish companies? Business decision-makers’ risk map includes six major threats The third part, in the blog, explains how Finnish business decision-makers perceive risks related to business. What worries companies and why?…
Phenomena familiar from dystopian films became part of our everyday lives – this is how the world’s risk map has changed A five-part blog series deals with the world's risk maps. In this second part of the series, we are taken on…
”It is very difficult to help others when you are sinking deeply” – What does the world risk map look like considering global forecasts? "It is very difficult to help others when you are sinking deeply" – What does the world risk map look like…
Selvisikö EU:n energiakriisistä jo tänä talvena, kuin koira veräjästä, vai onko edessä uudet haasteet? Energian hinta on ollut jatkuva puheenaihe Euroopassa yli vuoden ajan. Näkymä paremmasta vaiko huonommasta huomisesta vaihtelee eriasiantuntijoiden lausuntojen perusteella. Suomessa Olkiluoto…
Mitä 5G, uusi langaton teknologian sukupolvi tulee merkitsemään digitalisaatiossa? Mitä 5G meille merkitsee? Viidennen sukupolven mobiiliverkot on olleet tulossa markkinoille lähes viisi vuotta. Aluksi vuonna 20217 aihe nousi esiin lukuisissa…