Maxwell and Poincare proved mathematically that the nuclei of atoms expand
Zeus created lightning. The expanding space create the light to stretch.
What’s the difference between this two gods?
Maxwell and Poincare proved mathematically that the nuclei of atoms expand
and circulate the expanding repulsive force As Maxwell and Poincaré showed,
inelastic collisions lead to a vaporization of matter within fractions of a second
and the suggested solutions were not convincing.
For example, Aronson[27] gave a simple proof of Maxwell’s assertion:
Suppose that, contrary to Maxwell’s hypothesis, the molecules of gross matter actually possess more
energy than the particles. In that case the particles would, on the average, gain energy in the
collision and the particles intercepted by body B would be replaced by more energetic ones
rebounding from body B. Thus the effect of gravity would be reversed: there would be a mutual
repulsion between all bodies of mundane matter, contrary to observation.
Partially based on the calculations of Darwin, an important criticism was given Henri Poincaré 1908
He concluded that the attraction is proportional to, where S is earth’s molecular surface area,
v is the velocity of the particles, and ρ is the density of the medium. Following Laplace,
he argued that to maintain mass-proportionality the upper limit for S is at the most a ten-millionth
of the Earth’s surface. Now, drag (i.e. the resistance of the medium) is proportional to Sρv and
therefore the ratio of drag to attraction is inversely proportional to Sv. To reduce drag, Poincaré
calculated a lower limit for v = 24 · 1017 times the speed of light. So there are lower limits for
Sv and v, and an upper limit for S and with those values one can calculate the produced heat, which
proportional to Sρv3. Calculation shows, earth’s temperature would rise by 1026 degrees per second
Poincaré noticed, ”that the earth could not long stand such a regime.” Poincaré analyzed waveModels
(Tommasina and Lorentz), remarking that they suffered the same problems as the particle models.
To reduce drag, superluminal wave velocities were necessary,
and they would still be subject to the heating problem.
After describing a similar re-radiation model like Thomson, he concluded:”Such are the
complicated hypotheses to which we are led when we seek to make Le Sage’s theory tenable”.
He also stated that if in Lorentz’ model the absorbed energy is fully converted into heat,
that would raise earth’s temperature by 1013 degrees per second.
Poincaré then went on to consider Le Sage’s theory in the context of the ”new dynamics” that had
been developed at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries,
specifically recognizing the relativity principle. For a particle theory, he remarked that
”it is difficult to imagine a law of collision compatible with the principle of relativity”,
and the problems of drag and heating remain.”
Hilarious. Poincaré did not have the guts to take the idea further. His mathematics proved,
atomic nuclei are exploding and constantly recirculating exploding dark energy
which gives rise to expanding electrons and photons.
More than 100 years old mathematics of Poincare and Maxwell proves it.
Most important thing for you is to understand that no one can describe in words,
nor visually what the expansion of the expanding space is.
No one can tell what the expansion of the expanding space is based on.
No one can even tell what could enable the expansion of space itself.
In these discussions, you should always ask these questions.
1. What is the expansion of space based on?
2. What could make it possible for space itself to expand?
3. What happens to the expanding space when it expands?
It is easy to say that later there is more space in the region between galaxy clusters.
It is just as easy to say that god created the universe.
But that’s not science! Google: Savorinen Uusi Suomi blogi and Savorinen.
Zeus created lightning. The expanding space create the light to stretch. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What’s the difference between this two gods? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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