Savorinen explains gravitation in a completely new way. Do pulling / attractive forces even exist?
What about that way 😀
Sun movement is illusion, you know! Maybe the universe tricks us in other ways too 🤔
What if the cores of atoms have congestion areas of space-dispersed energy, into which more space-dispersed energy is pushed all the time.
The internal pressure of the congestion area of energy dissipating into space would increase if this congestion area of energy dissipating into space did not expand all the time outward into the already existing space.
The surfaces of the expanding congested areas would collide with each other if energy dissipating into space were not constantly being pushed out of these expanding congested areas, with the help of which these expanding congested areas are constantly pushing each other away from each other.
So they circulate this space-dispersing energy / pushing force with all other corresponding space-dispersing congestion areas and thus they push each other away from each other in the same proportion as they expand.
Your heart expands beat by beat and after each momentary expansion the steadily expanding body exerts an external pressure / pushing force on the expanded heart and thus the expanding blood is pushed out of the expanding heart into the expanding blood vessels etc.
We have to push the expanding apple away from the center of the expanding Earth, and when we drop the expanding apple, the expanding gas molecules can’t push it ahead of us.
The surface of the expanding Earth, pushing away from the center of the expanding Earth, will reach the expanding apple even though it is still moving / pushing away from the center of the expanding Earth.
And thus the movement of the falling apple towards the center of the Earth could be an illusion.
The steadily expanding apple approaches the center of the expanding Earth as measured by expanding instruments, but this would be the correct relativity together with relative time.
Maybe the universe is a master of illusion?
Maybe physicists still don’t understand gravity because they think that objects somehow attract each other with the help of some strange pulling force.
Perhaps here we have the key to the theory of everything in physics.
Einstein understood that time is relative. Perhaps it would have been worthwhile for him to consider the option that the volume of matter could also be relative.
Perhaps Einstein opened the Pandora’s box of physics when he invented a concept called curved space.
Maybe space is just an infinite 3D scene that doesn’t affect the events in any way.
In my view, black holes with the mass of a star would not exist, nor would they be needed.
These stellar-mass black objects would be black stars expanding in space. They would be much more dense than observable expanding stars.
They would radiate expanding dark energy / light.
The expanding dark photons were denser. Their internal movement / time slower and thus they would not interact with the observable matter. They would be pushed through telescopes and telescopes without transmitting information about the object from which they came.
When this expanding dark energy is pushed into an observable expanding star orbiting an expanding black star, more energy would be pushed into these expanding dark energy densifications there. Their internal pressure would increase. Internal movement / time would speed up. They would expand faster and would eventually begin to collide with the expanding cores of the expanding atoms of the observed expanding star deep within the observed expanding star on their way to the center of this star.
Expanding faster, this observable expanding matter could do nothing but push faster away from the center of the observable expanding star, and the direction would of course be this expanding black star.
Because of the rotation on its axis, the direction would be slightly past this expanding black star because of the delay.
And this is how this expanding black star would cause the expanding matter of this expanding observable star to push towards itself without any pulling forces and without space being curved somehow.
Its ability to attract matter would be an illusion.
Naturally, the observable expanding star would be pushed in a spiral path away from the expanding black star and this faster exploding/expanding matter would act as an explosive fuel that would push the observable expanding star away from the expanding black star in the same proportion as matter and light expand.
Logically simple beautiful 🙂
In relation to the tidal phenomenon, I liked what I wrote that there is a constant flow between the center of the Moon and the Earth, where these expanding condensations of dark energy circulated by the nuclei of the expanding atoms are constantly pushed into the opposite sphere and are activated during the push through each other.
And corresponding already activated thickenings are pushed against, so the probability of encountering the next ones increases, etc., etc.
Now these concentrations of dark energy interact more strongly with matter, accelerating its expansion, so the sea also expands more strongly.
Hence the tidal phenomenon on both sides of the expanding Earth without a pulling force and without curved space.
Tell me what the difference is between the gods of antiquity and the expanding space.
Zeus somehow created lightning.
The expanding space causes the light to stretch somehow.
No one ever tells how these gods do these tricks. Or how expanding space does this trick.
And these gods cannot be studied scientifically in any way.
And space cannot be studied scientifically. It cannot be manipulated in such a way that you get information about the success of the manipulation.
You can’t even tell in words or visually what this expansion of space would be. Easy to say, space is expanding, but not enough. It’s just as easy to say, Zeus creates lightning.
Somehow that Zeus makes those lightnings happen.
And somehow that expanding space makes that light stretch 🤣
Has this been pushed?
Scientific theories seem to contain concepts similar to what the gods of antiquity were.
It’s easy to give space properties when you don’t even have to try to explain what these properties are based on or what in general could make it possible for space to influence events in space.
This isn’t even science anymore!
Or is it?
Can you tell me something relevant about how later there is more space in the area between galaxy clusters even though the galaxy clusters have not moved away from each other in space?
I’m just asking 🙂
#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #HelloJimCarrey #八
It is assumed that more and more space-dispersing energy is pushed inside the space-expanding quarks, so that all the expanding quarks that circulate the space-dispersed energy are exactly the same.
Their density and volume in relation to each other can be changed when their speed is accelerated in particle accelerators.
When moving in groups, they experience the change in a different way, according to which of them pushes forward and which of them pushes in the background of the first one or the first ones.
That is, they encounter expanding energy pushing against them, which affects them differently according to the order in which they encounter the energy pushing against them.
And it affects how they recycle this energy that is scattered in space.
Naturally, energy also plays a big role, which accelerates their pace.
That too changes the density and volume of quarks expanding in space. The speed of internal movement / time. Internal pressure.
Well, when the expanding nuclei are collided, it’s no wonder that in the collisions, energy is dispersed/expanded into space in such a way that physicists interpret from this information that there are different quarks in the nuclei.
And yes, the density and volume of quarks expanding during collisions are different.
Even so much different that one of the quarks is so dense and small compared to the others that no information is obtained from it in collisions.
I understand that some parties assume that protons and neutrons are made up of zillions of separate quarks. Well, here’s another time.
Nowadays it is taught that protons and neutrons consist of three quarks that are different from each other.
The three quarks form a kite, as it were. In my opinion, four would form a much more logical and stable entity. The pyramid. Tetrahedron.
Ok, when the expanding quarks are at rest relative to us, they would already be much more congested regions of expanding energy with the same density and volume
Of course, their density and volume live somewhat all the time.
While the situation lives on all the time, they come to control each other’s density and volume while circulating with all other expanding quarks this space-dispersing energy of which they themselves are composed. So that it completely changes over time.
When someone momentarily expands a little faster than others, its ability to absorb the space-dispersing energy pushing through itself into itself is worse due to the fact that its density is lower than that of expanding quarks with a smaller volume at that moment.
Of course, more energy dispersing into space pushes through it, because it is bigger at that moment. The situation will recover as the recycling of energy dispersed into space continues.
The ability to recycle energy that dissipates into space is faster because its internal movement / time is faster at that moment.
It seems strange that no one before me has been able to consider that perhaps the so-called the atom is completely different from what physicists have assumed.
Perhaps the volume of matter is also relative.
Perhaps it is the case that time is not only relative.
Maybe here we have the key to the theory of everything in physics🙂
#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #HelloJimCarrey #八
Is There are objects outside the visible universe that are so
massive that they emit energy that has the character of expanding galaxies which born from centre to outside.
The center of these objects is under extreme pressure at all times.
Extremely fast energy pushes towards them. Remnants of galaxies that
have expanded into space. Millions of billions of years of energy that
moved through space and was dispersed into space.
It collides with the extremely dense energy pushing away from these
objects at extremely high speed and causes this extremely
dense energy to explode / expand into less dense energy.
The speed of the energy dispersed in space for millions of billions of years
has accelerated for millions of billions of years and therefore collides with
extremely dense energy at an extremely fast speed.
The speed of this extremely fast energy begins to slow down and eventually
stops in an area of extreme pressure. This extreme pressure compresses the energy
that was once scattered in space for millions of billions of years into extremely dense energy.
Pushing away from the center of an extremely dense and massive object starts
once again when more millions of billions of years of space-dispersed energy
pushes into the center of that object, which displaces the energy that was previously pushed
into the center of that object away from the center of that object.
In the infinite 3D universe, there is an eternal recycling going on,
which does not need pulling forces at all to maintain.
google: Savorinen Jukka
Read How Universe Really Works ❤️
It is assumed that more and more space-dispersing energy is pushed inside the space-expanding quarks, so that all the expanding quarks that circulate the space-dispersed energy are exactly the same.
Their density and volume in relation to each other can be changed when their speed is accelerated in particle accelerators.
When moving in groups, they experience the change in a different way, according to which of them pushes forward and which of them pushes in the background of the first one or the first ones.
That is, they encounter expanding energy pushing against them, which affects them differently according to the order in which they encounter the energy pushing against them.
And it affects how they recycle this energy that is scattered in space.
Naturally, energy also plays a big role, which accelerates their pace.
That too changes the density and volume of quarks expanding in space. The speed of internal movement / time. Internal pressure.
Well, when the expanding nuclei are collided, it’s no wonder that in the collisions, energy is dispersed/expanded into space in such a way that physicists interpret from this information that there are different quarks in the nuclei.
And yes, the density and volume of quarks expanding during collisions are different.
Even so much different that one of the quarks is so dense and small compared to the others that no information is obtained from it in collisions.
I understand that some parties assume that protons and neutrons are made up of zillions of separate quarks. Well, here’s another time.
Nowadays it is taught that protons and neutrons consist of three quarks that are different from each other.
The three quarks form a kite, as it were. In my opinion, four would form a much more logical and stable entity. The pyramid. Tetrahedron.
Ok, when the expanding quarks are at rest relative to us, they would already be much more congested regions of expanding energy with the same density and volume
Of course, their density and volume live somewhat all the time.
While the situation lives on all the time, they come to control each other’s density and volume while circulating with all other expanding quarks this space-dispersing energy of which they themselves are composed. So that it completely changes over time.
When someone momentarily expands a little faster than others, its ability to absorb the space-dispersing energy pushing through itself into itself is worse due to the fact that its density is lower than that of expanding quarks with a smaller volume at that moment.
Of course, more energy dispersing into space pushes through it, because it is bigger at that moment. The situation will recover as the recycling of energy dispersed into space continues.
The ability to recycle energy that dissipates into space is faster because its internal movement / time is faster at that moment.
It seems strange that no one before me has been able to consider that perhaps the so-called the atom is completely different from what physicists have assumed.
Perhaps the volume of matter is also relative.
Perhaps it is the case that time is not only relative.
Maybe here we have the key to the theory of everything in physics🙂
#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #HelloJimCarrey #八
Are there any electrons around the nuclei at all❤️
The atomic model has had time to be modified into a different form even before❤️
Sometimes was theory that the electrons go around the nucleus, etc❤️
Nowadays, there is talk of electron curtains around the nuclei, etc.?❤️
I assume that there is nothing around the cores. In the cores, there would be congestion areas of❤️
expanding energy that would circulate energy scattered in space with all other similar congestion❤️
areas, and at the same time these congestion areas of expanding energy would automatically❤️
push each other away from each other in the same proportion as they expand.
Thus, it can be stated that the nuclei of atoms expand and circulate the expanding dark energy❤️
as zillions of separate expanding condensations whose expansion can be accelerated so fast by the❤️
expanding photon, they do not have time push each other away from each other as fast as they expand❤️
At this stage, a new registrable electron is created/combined from the expanding dark energy❤️
pushing away from the expanding core, which still consists of energy which expanding❤️
Physicists therefore think that they can remove electrons that already exist around the nuclei,❤️
although possibly they can create completely new electrons❤️
In my opinion, physicists should consider this point of view❤️
What makes this view very interesting is that stars would be born on the same principle from❤️
zillions of expanding condensations of dark matter, which would constantly be pushed out❤️
of the expanding supermassive objects in the centers of galaxies❤️
Expanding galaxies would have been formed in space in the early days of the expanding❤️
visible universe when two expanding supermassive objects passed close to each other❤️
The separate expanding concentrations of dark matter would have pushed through each other❤️
again and again and that would have caused them to expand so fast that they wouldn’t have had❤️
time to push each other away from each other as fast as they expand❤️
At this point, they would have started to coalesce into new expanding stars❤️
Perhaps with the James Webb telescope it will be observed that stars were born❤️
as if from nothing. But of course not really out of nowhere, you know❤️
The Expanding supermassive objects in the centers of galaxies would have been born❤️
in their own 3D big bangs on the same principle❤️
So that the expanding galaxies would be large particles that convey information from the object,❤️
which is quite massive and dense because it radiates energy that has the character of galaxies❤️
Naturally, we wouldn’t be able to detect the object we are moving away from❤️
Galaxies would then be particles that transmit information about it❤️
#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #HelloJimCarrey #八
Try to scientifically manipulate this thing of cosmologists called the expanding space in such a way that you get proof of its existence. You can not.
Why do you believe the expanding space exists? It’s not space that expands. The nuclei of atoms expand and circulate the expanding dark energy as zillions of separate expanding condensations that circulate the expanding energy with each other.
They combine e.g. new registrable electrons and photons that also expand.
Send expanding photons with suitable energy towards the expanding nuclei of atoms and the photons cause the expansion of the expanding condensations of dark energy to accelerate so that they combine that way that there born new expanding electrons.
The expanding waves of naturally expanding lights are made up of zillions of these separate expanding condensations of dark energy.
The expanding lights interact with each other and accelerate each other’s expansion, and at the same time, the speed of the expanding lights accelerates in the same proportion as the substances and the lights expand.
The newer, more energetic and faster expanding light of our own expanding galaxy cluster than the old expanding lights from other galaxy clusters accelerates the speed of the old expanding lights, and the old expanding lights are stretched, i.e. cosmologically redshifted, and this happens in 3D space, which does do nothing at all.
Space is eternal and infinity 3 D stage which is nothing. So, space cant do anything at all. It is nothing.
The gravitational lens effect is also explained by entropy affecting the expanding lights, whereby billions of years old expanding lights contain very small-scale energy that collides with expanding photons that move close by stars or galaxies.
The gravitational redshift of light is also explained without curved space.
The band gap experiments already prove that the expanding lights also consist of expanding dark waves that have much more mass than the expanding photons.
And at the same time, it also explains why all expanding lights move at the speed characteristic of expanding light.
#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #HelloJimCarrey #八
Zeus created lightning. The expanding space create the light to stretch.
What’s the difference between this two gods?
Maxwell and Poincare proved mathematically that the nuclei of atoms expand
and circulate the expanding repulsive force As Maxwell and Poincaré showed,
inelastic collisions lead to a vaporization of matter within fractions of a second
and the suggested solutions were not convincing.
For example, Aronson[27] gave a simple proof of Maxwell’s assertion:
Suppose that, contrary to Maxwell’s hypothesis, the molecules of gross matter actually possess more
energy than the particles. In that case the particles would, on the average, gain energy in the
collision and the particles intercepted by body B would be replaced by more energetic ones
rebounding from body B. Thus the effect of gravity would be reversed: there would be a mutual
repulsion between all bodies of mundane matter, contrary to observation.
Partially based on the calculations of Darwin, an important criticism was given Henri Poincaré 1908
He concluded that the attraction is proportional to, where S is earth’s molecular surface area,
v is the velocity of the particles, and ρ is the density of the medium. Following Laplace,
he argued that to maintain mass-proportionality the upper limit for S is at the most a ten-millionth
of the Earth’s surface. Now, drag (i.e. the resistance of the medium) is proportional to Sρv and
therefore the ratio of drag to attraction is inversely proportional to Sv. To reduce drag, Poincaré
calculated a lower limit for v = 24 · 1017 times the speed of light. So there are lower limits for
Sv and v, and an upper limit for S and with those values one can calculate the produced heat, which
proportional to Sρv3. Calculation shows, earth’s temperature would rise by 1026 degrees per second
Poincaré noticed, ”that the earth could not long stand such a regime.” Poincaré analyzed waveModels
(Tommasina and Lorentz), remarking that they suffered the same problems as the particle models.
To reduce drag, superluminal wave velocities were necessary,
and they would still be subject to the heating problem.
After describing a similar re-radiation model like Thomson, he concluded:”Such are the
complicated hypotheses to which we are led when we seek to make Le Sage’s theory tenable”.
He also stated that if in Lorentz’ model the absorbed energy is fully converted into heat,
that would raise earth’s temperature by 1013 degrees per second.
Poincaré then went on to consider Le Sage’s theory in the context of the ”new dynamics” that had
been developed at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries,
specifically recognizing the relativity principle. For a particle theory, he remarked that
”it is difficult to imagine a law of collision compatible with the principle of relativity”,
and the problems of drag and heating remain.”
Hilarious. Poincaré did not have the guts to take the idea further. His mathematics proved,
atomic nuclei are exploding and constantly recirculating exploding dark energy
which gives rise to expanding electrons and photons.
More than 100 years old mathematics of Poincare and Maxwell proves it.
Most important thing for you is to understand that no one can describe in words,
nor visually what the expansion of the expanding space is.
No one can tell what the expansion of the expanding space is based on.
No one can even tell what could enable the expansion of space itself.
In these discussions, you should always ask these questions.
1. What is the expansion of space based on?
2. What could make it possible for space itself to expand?
3. What happens to the expanding space when it expands?
It is easy to say that later there is more space in the region between galaxy clusters.
It is just as easy to say that god created the universe.
But that’s not science! Google: Savorinen Uusi Suomi blogi and Savorinen.
Zeus created lightning. The expanding space create the light to stretch. 🤣
What’s the difference between this two gods? 🤣
#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #HelloJimCarrey #八
Supermassive objects were born in their own 3D big bangs. The 3 D Big Bang is still going on❤️
Light can be studied scientifically. Space can’t. Expanding light is a scientific claim❤️
The new expanding light is faster than the old expanding light of other galaxy clusters❤️
The new accelerates the expansion of the old and thus it stretches, cosmologically redshifts❤️
The speed of the old expanding light accelerates to the same as the new one,❤️
and at the same time the old expanding light stretches. Cosmologically redshifted❤️
Lets try to explain your god, expanding space. You cant. Sorry about that❤️
Big Bang Wrong. James Webb prove that already. ExpandingSpace is NakedEmperor❤️
The volume of matter is also relative. Time and also the volume / Size of matter is relative❤️
Expanding space+curving space+wavy space+bubbling space+extra dimensions+❤️
+dark matter with gravitational force+ dark energy with expanding space=spaghetti monster❤️
Expanding quarks vs. expanding space. We can describe in words and visually how and why quarks and lights expand. No one can describe how the so-called expanding space expands. You can only believe in the existence of expanding space.
Matter and light can be studied scientifically. The expanding space cannot be studied scientifically. You cannot try to manipulate the so-called expanding space so that you would receive information that the manipulation was successful.
One can try to manipulate the trajectory of light with the help of light that is billions of years old.
My claims about expanding quarks are scientific.
The claim of the existence of an expanding space is not scientific.
The cosmological redshift of light does not prove the existence of expanding space.
It proves that lights expand and interact with each other.
A phenomenon whose existence can be proven scientifically with the help of a scientific experiment.
Dark matter densifications have the same mass as quarks. Much denser. Energy in a smaller area❤️
How does a star form from expanding dark matter particles without a pulling force❤️
We really need a lot of expanding dark matter densifications whose expansion is accelerating❤️
so fast that they don’t have time to push each other away from each other as fast as they expand❤️
Have you heard of Roulette from Savoia? No one dies in Savo roulette. Someone maybe born later ❤️
Globe Earthers, you are stuck in this time and not ready for the future❤️
Flat Earthers, you are stuck in the past and not even ready for this time❤️
The Earth is a rather rapidly expanding ball in space❤️
I am an Expanding Earther and I am ready for the future. Anyone else here ready for the future?❤️
Most important thing for you is to understand that no one can describe in words,❤️
nor visually what the expansion of the expanding space is.❤️
No one can tell what the expansion of the expanding space is based on❤️
No one can even tell what could enable the expansion of space itself❤️
In these discussions, you should always ask these questions❤️
1. What is the expansion of space based on?❤️
2. What could make it possible for space itself to expand?❤️
3. What happens to the expanding space when it expands?❤️
It is easy to say that later there is more space in the region between galaxy clusters❤️
It is just as easy to say that god created the universe❤️
But that’s not science! Google: Savorinen Uusi Suomi blogi and Savorinen❤️
Supermassive objects centers of galaxies, Stars, electrons, and photons are created in the same way❤️
With the same principle, zillions of separate expanding densifications whose expansion accelerates❤️
due to external energy so fast that they don’t have time to push each other away❤️
from each other as fast as they expand in this way, they are united into a new larger system❤️
It may be possible to see expanding stars appear as if from nothing. But not really out of nowhere❤️
Expanding supermassive objects push out zillions of expanding dark matter condensations❤️
from which new expanding stars can be born quickly❤️
All that is needed is another expanding supermassive object moving close to the other❤️
Then the expanding densifications of dark matter push again and again through the❤️
corresponding expanding densifications. As a result of the interaction, expansion accelerates❤️
to the point of an explosion, and now many new expanding stars are born with out curving space❤️
An expanding particle of antimatter and an expanding particle of ordinary matter do not push❤️
each other away as fast as they expand. That’s why they push into each other. That is,❤️
they consist of separate expanding densifications and can therefore push each other on top Of❤️
eachOther inThe same space, then cause each otherTo explode even much faster into largerArea ofSpace
And space really doesn’t have to do anything at all❤️
It was difficult to understand the stretching of a rubber band without bond forces❤️
I finally understood that the expanding nuclei of atoms control each other❤️
place by an expanding pushing force that moves at the speed of light. Where the rubber band is❤️
stretched the most the distance of the expanding cores is a little bigger❤️
There, the repulsion is smaller and because of that the expanding nuclei are pushed there❤️
No need for so-called binding forces as pulling forces.❤️
You drop an apple, the apple appears to move towards the center of the Earth. It’s an illusion❤️
The apple expands and pushes away from the center of the expanding Earth❤️
But slower than the surface of the expanding Earth❤️
This is true relativity together with relative time. Einstein could not figure out this❤️
This is the key to the theory of physics. Einstein understood that time is relative❤️
He was never able to realize that the size / volume of matter is also relative❤️
Luulet siis luoneesi jonkinlaisen suuren yhtenäisteorian?
Olet hyvässä seurassa. Monikin luulee tehneensä tämän. He ilmestyvät netin palstoille ja tiederyhmiin julistamaan suurta läpimurtoaan. He kertovat meille palloistaan, universaaleista värähtelyistään ja pyhästä geometriastaan, täynnä luottamusta siihen, että heidän ideansa muuttavat maailmaa, jos vain joku kuuntelee.
Mutta harva koskaan tekee niin.
Miksi? – Mietitäänpä sitä.
No, suurimmaksi osaksi nämä ideat ovat järkeviä vain kirjoittajansa mielessä. Niistä puuttuu täysin looginen johdonmukaisuus. Nämä kirjoittelijat ovat ehkä oppineet jotakin tieteestä ja fysiikasta, käyttääkseen tuttuja termejä näiltä aloilta, mutta syistä, joita en itse asiassa ymmärrä. Älkää siis käyttäkö aikaanne ymmärtääksenne fysiikkaa YouTube tason ulkopuolella. Teillä ei ole edellytyksiä ymmärtää fysiikkaa perustutkintotasolla, mutta kuitenkin te kuvittelette tietävänne kaiken. Tiedätte tarpeeksi uskoaksenne olevanne oikeassa, mutta ette tarpeeksi tietääksenne miksi olette väärässä.
Tämä on klassinen Dunning-Kruger-ilmiö.
Tässä muutamia sääntöjä, joita kannattaa harkita, jos yritätte muuttaa fysiikan maailmaa:
Sääntö 1 – Puhu oikeaa kieltä:
Jos et pysty ilmaisemaan matemaattisesti malliasi, et pysty vakuuttamaan fyysikoille siitä, että mallisi on loogisesti johdonmukainen. Kuvaile mitä haluat, mutta ilman matematiikkaa sanasi ovat moniselitteisiä ja ennustuksesi olemattomia.
Sääntö 2 – Ymmärrä, mitä on tapahtunut aiemmin:
Jos et pysty osoittamaan ymmärtäväsi olemassa olevaa teoriaa, miten voit väittää olemassa olevan teorian olevan väärä? Miksi kukaan edes kuuntelisi sinua? Muuten, jos et puhu kieltä (katso sääntö 1), et ymmärrä mitä on tapahtunut aiemmin.
Sääntö 3 – Mallin on oltava väärennettävä:
Oletetaan, että käytit aikaa noudattaaksesi sääntöjä 1 ja 2. Jos mallisi ei ennusta mitään uutta, miksi kukaan välittäisi? Tämä osoittautuu todella vaikeaksi. Säieteoreetikot ovat yrittäneet hypätä tästä esteestä lähes 60 vuoden ajan. He ovat antaneet mielenkiintoisia panoksia matematiikkaan, mutta eivät ole vielä keksineet keinoa todentaa mallejaan. Opi heidän ponnisteluistaan.
Sääntö 4 – Älä paasaa:
Se on varma tapa jäädä ilman fyysikoiden huomiota. Voisi kuvitella, että fyysikot ovat kiinnostuneita vain omien ideoidensa suojelemisesta. Se voi päteä toki joihinkin, mutta ei suinkaan kaikkiin. Useimmat fyysikot käyttävät paljon aikaa yrittäen pysyä ajan tasalla omalla alallaan. Heillä ei ole aikaa hölynpölyyn, eivätkä he yleensä kiinnitä huomiota julkisiin järjettömyyden näytöksiin, kuten vaikkapa Terrence Howardiin ja hänen harhaanjohdettuihin käsityksiinsä matematiikasta. Jotkut julkiset tiedekasvattajat kuten NDT, saattavat yrittää puuttua asiaan, mutta harvoin heidän aikaansa kannattaa käyttää sellaisiin.
Jos siis uskot, että sinulla on avain universumiin, voit käyttää aikaa edellä mainittujen sääntöjen noudattamiseen. Lopeta päivätyösi ja käytä kaikki aikasi ideoidesi valmisteluun. Tee siitä kokopäivätyösi, tai lähde vaan kalaan. Tämän ei pitäisi olla harrastus. Muista, kukaan ei ole sinulle yhtään mitään velkaa. Teitä on tuhansia, jopa miljoonia, yrittämässä tehdä samoin. Taistelette tuulimyllyjä vastaan, ja siinä kay poikkeuksetta niin, kuten kävi Don Quijotelle.
Mikä tekee juuri sinusta erityisen?
Ps. Don Quijote de la Mancha on Miguel de Cervantesin kirjoittama kuuluisa romaani, joka kertoo tilusmiehestä, joka uskoo olevansa ritari. Don Quijoten seikkailut ovat täynnä huumoria ja ironiaa, mutta myös surullisia tapahtumia.
Romaanin lopussa Don Quijote sairastuu ja kuolee. Hän pääsee kuitenkin rauhallisesti pois tästä maailmasta, sillä hän on viimein tajunnut, että hänen seikkailunsa tapahtuivat vain hänen omassa mielessään.
Ilmoita asiaton viesti