115. alkuaine "löydetty" – saksalais-ruotsalainen tiedemiesryhmä kunnostautui

Onkohan tämä Nobelin arvoinen saavutus?

tutkijaryhmä Saksan Darmstadtissa on onnistunut todentamaan uuden superpainavan
keinotekoisen alkuaineen, joka on saanut järjestysluvun 115.  http://www.gsi.de/en/ 

Ununpentium (lat. ununpentium) on epävirallinen alkuaine, jonka
kemiallinen merkki on Uup ja
järjestysluku 115. Venäläiset fyysikot loivat tämän alkuaineen Dubnassa 1.
2004 ununtriumin
ohella, mutta kumpaakaan ei vielä ole vahvistettu. Ununpentium on vain IUPAC:n antama
väliaikainen nimi.  Katso Wiki: http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ununpentium

Nyt on Lundin yliopisto vahvistanut omissa tutkimuksissaan
alkuaineen n:o 115 löytymisen.  Onnistuneessa
laboratoriokokeissa pystyttiin uusintamaan saksalaisen GSI:n Darmstadtissa
varhemmin suorittama koe.  Uusin alkuaine
on keinotekoinen, se ei siis esiinny sellaisenaan luonnossa, vaan on
valmistettu laboratoriossa.  Itse asiassa
kyse on tavattoman pienestä massasta, muutamista atomeista.

Venäläisten ei tiedetä edelleenkään pystyneen kyseisen
alkuaineen vahvistettuun toteutukseen, joten aineen luomisen kunnia on menossa
Saksaan ja Ruotsiin.  – Jokohan tällä irtoaa Nobel tai kaksi?


Tekniikka ja Talous
kirjoitti alkuaineesta 28.8.203:


T&T:n artikkeli perustui Ny Teknik –lehden hieman laajempaan artikkeliin.  http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/innovation/forskning_utveckling/article3751531.ece

Amerikan Fyysikkojen Yhdistyksen sivuilla:  Physical Review Letters –lehdessä. http://prl.aps.org/accepted/2207dY2bS631e84382e425232df55fb5da302c431

http://www.gsi.de/en/  kertoi kotisivuillaan 29.8.2013;

international team of researchers presents fresh evidence that confirms the
existence of the superheavy chemical element 115. The experiment was conducted
at the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research, an accelerator laboratory
located in Darmstadt, Germany. Under the lead of physicists from Lund
University, Sweden, the group, which included researchers from the Johannes
Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM), was
able to present a way to directly identify new superheavy elements. Elements
beyond atomic number 104 are referred to as superheavy elements. They are
produced at accelerator laboratories and generally decay after a short time.
Initial reports about the discovery of an element with atomic number 115 were
released from a research center in Russia in 2004. The then presented indirect
evidence for the new element, however, was insufficient for an official

SciNews.com kertoi asiasta samaan
aikaan: http://www.sci-news.com/physics/science-ununpentium-element-115-01340.html

“First observed in 2003, the element 115 has yet to be named officially,
but it is temporarily called Ununpentium, or Uup. It is also known as

The name Ununpentium is derived from the digits 115, where ‘un-‘ represents Latin ‘unum‘ and ‘pent-‘ represents the Greek word for 5.

The scientists conducted their experiments at the GSI research facility
in Germany. Their findings confirm earlier measurements performed by physicists
at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, and scientists at
the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the United States.”

“This was a very successful experiment and is one of the most important
in the field in recent years”, said Prof Dirk Rudolph of Lund University, who
is a first author of a paper accepted for publication in the Physical Review Letters.


bombarding a thin film of americium-243 with calcium-48 ions, Prof Rudolph
and his colleagues were able to observe an X-ray ‘fingerprint’ of Ununpentium.

their experiments, they have also gained access to data that give them a deeper
insight into the structure and properties of super-heavy atomic nuclei.

at the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry will review the new
results to decide whether new experiments are necessary before the element 115
gets an official name.


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